Greening the Conservation Area

Longridge Road Green Roofs
Many thanks to the Bridgeman and Bridgman team for the installation of two pilot green roofs in Longridge Road. This project was funded by RBKC City Living Local Life with Notting Hill Genesis.

Nevern Place Planting
The planting by Nevern Place residents was made possible with funding from City Living Local Life for the planters, with donations of plants by Rassell’s Garden Centre on Earl’s Court Road, Nevern Square Conservation Area Greening Fund*, Camilla Shivarg and TfL. Another planter has been installed next to the Star Kebab.

We are looking for areas of the Conservation Area to improve, that includes a schedule of planting along West Cromwell Road, so let us know.

If you would like to volunteer to help older residents and help clear up the area and make it look attractive, please contact

If you are interested in voluteering to help maintain the planters on Warwick Road please get in touch.

*The Nevern Square Conservation Area Greening is funded through filming rights in the area.