Earls Court Development News

Thursday 24 October 2024

Planning Application

The hybrid planning applications have been submitted to RBKC and LBHF have now been validated and ECDC has issued the following press release – Planning Applications submitted to restore Earls Court from a long empty site back into a Global Destination

The planning reference for RBKC is PP/24/05187 
Land bounded by West Cromwell Road, Warwick Road, Philbeach Gardens, Eardley Crescent, Lillie Road, Old Brompton Road, and the West London Railway Line (WLL) including 344-350 Old Brompton Road; AND 1 Cluny Mews, LONDON, SW5

The on-line link to the planning portal: https://www.rbkc.gov.uk/planning-and-building-control/large-developments-within-borough/earls-court-and-west-kensington-opportunity-area

All the documents can be viewed in full at the new ECDC site at Hybrid Planning Application – ECDC and they will also shortly appear on the local authority planning portals for viewing and commenting upon. Our new exhibition opens at Conversation Corner on Friday from 12pm to 6pm, and it will then will be open each week to the public from 12pm to 6pm on Thursdays and 12pm to 4pm on Saturdays (until 30 November) staffed by members of the ECDC team.

The deadline for comments on the application is Monday 25 November.